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Bayside Powerhouse Masters Teams

Women's Masters 35+

Men's Masters 45C

Men's Masters 50B

Men's Masters 60A


Check our Training page for training times and locations.

Fees and Registration

Check out our Fees & Registration page for everything you need to know to register to play with us.



Masters Vice President


Masters hockey is one of the fastest growing forms of hockey in Australia. It doesn’t mean you need to have ‘mastered’ the craft of playing hockey! It’s open to anyone aged 35 and older.


Formerly known as veterans or vets hockey, masters hockey is played in dedicated incremental age-groups, starting at the 35+ age group, meaning you only play against people of a similar age.

We cater for a range of skill levels within our Masters teams 

and welcome players of all backgrounds. Bayside Powerhouse Hockey Club caters for men and women of all skill levels from the competitive Vic League to Metro grades. 


While we love our on-field success, Masters hockey is around encouraging the social aspect of the sport and ensuring players continue playing as long as possible.

For more details about the Club, including weekend hockey and social events please go to our 'Home' page.

Contact Us

General Enquiries


Phone: 0409 449 514


Bayside Powerhouse Hockey Club meets for training and home games at the following locations:

1 Hockey Drive, Albert Park,
St Kilda, Victoria 3182

'The Den'  - 237 Dendy Street, Brighton East, Victoria 3187

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