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2025 Player Registration


​The registration link takes you to revsport where members will be provided the opportunity to pay for their fees up front or via a payment plan consisting of a discounted initial payment followed by either a senior or junior payment plan as detailed below:


Seniors payment plans


1st Installment: Before round 1

2nd Installment: Before Seniors round 8

3rd Installment: Before Seniors round 16


Juniors payment plans


1st Installment: Before round 1

2nd Installment: Before Juniors round 7


For player’s experiencing financial hardship please contact either the Club President or Club Treasurer to discuss your situation.


Full Fee Upfront Payment:


  1. If you were a Hockey Victoria registered playing member in the 2024 season, click on RETURNING Member. If you are new to Hockey click NEW Member.

  2. Choose the appropriate registration based on your age and competition. Prices include Hockey Victoria & Hockey Australia Levies.

  3. Fill in your details or update if renewing.

  4. Tick the volunteering section. We appreciate our volunteers! 4 hours of volunteering is all that is required to have your volunteer levy refunded.

  5. Complete Registration or renewal process.

Once these steps are done, you've successfully registered as a Bayside Powerhouse Saints Hockey Club Member.


Payment Plan


  1. If you were a Hockey Victoria registered playing member in the 2024 season, click on RETURNING Member. If you are new to Hockey click NEW Member.

  2. Choose the relevant payment plan registration type based on your age and competition. (e.g. Senior Members selecting a payment plan select "Payment Plan - BHC Senior Player 2024 Membership") Prices include the Hockey Victoria & Hockey Australia Levies, along with the upfront inital payment plan cost.

  3. Fill in your details or update if renewing.

  4. Tick the volunteering section. We appreciate our volunteers! 4 hours of volunteering is all that is required to have your volunteer levy refunded 

  5. Complete Registration or renewal.

​The club will then invoice Senior players for the remaining fees in (2) two installments and Junior and Masters players for the remaining fees in 1 further installment.


If you need a separate payment plan schedule, please email the Club President or Club Treasurer to make arrangements

Volunteer levy

All playing fees include a BPS volunteer levy of $100 except H2H members. The levy can be earned back by contributing 4 hours of volunteer time to tasks deemed eligible by the Club as specifically needed to help the club operate or save money.


The volunteer levy is applied per family not per member so if more than one member of your family is registering please use the code 'family' when the 'discount code apply' box appears for all bar one member of your family.


Don't forget to visit the shop to buy NEW BPS BEANIES, SCARFS or GRAYS STICK and BALL BUNDLES here:​​​


If you need any help with the registration process itself please contact the Club Administrator at:

Contact Us

General Enquiries


Phone: 0409 449 514


Bayside Powerhouse Hockey Club meets for training and home games at the following locations:​

1 Hockey Drive, Albert Park,
St Kilda, Victoria 3182

'The Den'  - 237 Dendy Street, Brighton East, Victoria 3187

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